
Dust reduction in the municipality of Barneveld

The handling of dirt roads in Barneveld with a solution of NODUST Infra. The soil was stabilized by milling the NODUST Infra into the soil. This saturates the dirt roads and keeps them hard for a longer period of time. After the milling, the area was sealed with a top seal of the NODUST Infra for added stability and dust reduction.

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Reducing Near-Road Fine Dust Pollution Pinxiang and Jining city

Treating the roads with a solution of NODUST INFRA with the purpose of increasing the air quality in the city Pinxiang and Jining in China. The project was executed in cooperation with Weltek Co. LTD and DEW techno Germany.

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Leisure Park Dolfinarium

Municipality of Harderwijk

Dust suppression project with NODUST®Infra in a leisure park during peak summer season. Dirt road cannot be paved as of environmental regulations. Also potholes are a big problem due to many passing cars. User-friendliness of NODUST®Infra was a big advantage.

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Dust control and stabilisation of clay roads

Royal Dutch Palace Park Het Loo

The palace park is a part of Het Loo Royal Estate. With an area of 650 hectare the park is perfect for strolling and walking. When it is warm and dry weather the roads in the park become very dusty. Therefore,application of NODUST®Infra is needed to dedust roads in Palace Park.

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Road shoulder treatment

Municipality of Someren

Potholes in road shoulders require treatment with heavy equipment up to 4 times per summer season. 75% maintanace cost reduction accomplished with NODUST®Infra.

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Road construction

Motorway A31 – Netherlands

Construction site treatment with NODUST®Infra to prevent on-site dust problems at the new highway A31 Zurich – Harlingen (NL). Outstanding dust control with NODUST®Infra.

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Mining roads and stock piles

Crusader Resources Brazil

Application of NODUST®Infra on mining roads and stock piles for dust suppression and to prevent water loss. 80% cost reduction with water and equipment economization. Direct results for operational performance in the mining business.

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